Jill Evans Articles and Books

The articles on this page were in Jill's archives. Many of them she wrote herself. There are articles on canine genetics and structure. Some have some historical significance and others are relevant to her research for her book.

The Time Traveller can be purchased online at:



Barnes & Noble

A Brief History of Danes
Quebec Quotes
A β-Defensin Mutation Causes Black Coat Color in Domestic Dogs
β-Defensin Repertoire Expands
Mona Maytag's Comments on using Blues from Harlequin x Black Background
GD Puppy 6-weeks
Important Proportions
Coat Color Genetics
Sorting Out Dane Colors
The Great Strip Tease Show
Why Brae Tarn Wants True Danes
The People of the Dog
Ouborough Kennels
Some Early Americans
Primley Kennels
Socialization of Puppies and Critical Periods
The Daily Argus Mount Vernon NY August 16 1978